Gardening and Volunteering

Green Park Gardeners Composting Project

EsplanadeFriends and our Green Park Gardeners Subcommittee welcome you to your neighborhood community composting project. We encourage you to do your part for the environment and our community and drop off acceptable food scraps.

Volunteer with us

Friends of the East River Esplanade, is a volunteer non-profit organization.  Help us spread the word about our organization, become a volunteer gardener and help plan events.

We are looking for volunteers to help us garden at the events that we host, paint railings with us on ‘It’s My Park Day,’ attend our meetings, share ideas–and donate so that we can improve and reinvent our beautiful Esplanade in need of TLC.

For volunteer opportunities with EsplanadeFriends, including joining our gardener groups or inquiring about corporate gardening days, please email us.

What is composting?

Diagram explaining composting

Composting: A Sustainable Solution for Waste

Composting is a natural process that recycles organic materials back into nutrient-rich soil. By collecting food scraps, yard waste, and other biodegradable items, composting not only diverts waste from landfills but also creates a valuable resource for gardening and farming. Whether done at home or through community programs, composting is a simple yet effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support a healthier environment for future generations. Join the composting movement today and make a positive impact on our planet!

Composting FAQs

  • According to the NYC Department of Sanitation, organic waste that can easily be composted makes up approximately 1/3 of NYC’s residential waste. Also, the carbon footprint of food waste is greater than that of the airline industry. But in compost bins, microbes convert that organic matter into nutrient-rich soil, keeping the carbon out of the atmosphere and producing valuable fertilizer.

  • When you bring your food scraps to our bins, you are helping the environment by limiting the amount of waste that goes to landfills and by helping to enrich the soil and provide much needed nutrients.

  • Fruit and vegetable scraps, non-greasy rice, pasta, bread, cereal, coffee grinds and filters, tea bags, egg and nut shells, pits, cut or dried flowers, houseplants and potting soil.

  • Red meat, chicken, fish, bones, greasy food scraps, fat, oil, dairy, animal waste, litter or bedding, coal or charcoal, coconuts, diseased and/or insect-infested houseplants/soil or biodegradable plastics.

  • Our dropoff bins are located at 62nd & The East River Esplanade

  • We share it with locations like The New York Public Library (67th St Branch), Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, NYC Parks, countless bike lanes and gardens throughout the Eastside.

Compost Dropoff Locations

62nd & The East River Esplanade

For more information on composting please contact Sheldon Allen


Monday–Friday | 10am–6pm


Become an EsplanadeFriend today!