
Make a donation

Your financial contribution supports program innovation, landscape improvements, community outreach, and administration of EsplanadeFriends.

Centered Form

To donate via mail, make checks payable to Friends of the East River Esplanade (60th-120th Streets), Inc. and send to:

c/o Ratner
525 E. 86th St, #8A
New York, NY  10028

Volunteer with us

Friends of the East River Esplanade, is a volunteer non-profit organization.  Help us spread the word about our organization, become a volunteer gardener and help plan events.

We are looking for volunteers to help us garden at the events that we host, paint railings with us on ‘It’s My Park Day,’ attend our meetings, share ideas–and donate so that we can improve and reinvent our beautiful Esplanade in need of TLC.

To sign up for our volunteer events and become a friend, email us. We look forward to hearing from you!

Become an EsplanadeFriend today!